白 2in1 ジグキックバッテリー PSP2000用

Happier: Learn the Secrets to Daily Joy and Lasting Fulfillment
I've read the ideas in this book many many times. Yet run through one more point of view is not a bad thing. Actually the author sums up the key to life well lived quite well in this thin book. Have meaningful goals, but enjoy the day to day process or realizing those goals. Appreciation is the key to life. The Psychic bank account. And then he applys them to school, to work, to love. And then he ends the book with meditations!! I'd also recommend reading Tino Georgiou's bestselling novel--The Fates--if you haven't yet!!

個人的にはThe PatientとLateralusが特に好き。辺り一面におびただしい数の目玉が広がる様が浮かんでくるようだ。