sexy fighting clips of MAI (kof)
i compiled a minute worth of mai's 'Flower Storm?' from king of fighters 2002. If you pause the clip randomly, you'll see what i mean by sexy. It's almost hentai!

José Feliciano: Light My Fire (1968)
José Feliciano, the amazing blind guitarist, performs his awesome cover of The Doors' song, Light My Fire. This performance was his 1968 Grammy Award Performance that aired in 1969.

2007 SPRING/SUMMER runway-Donna Karan
NEW YORK, September 15, 2006 -- You could see traces of Donna Karan's travels in her spring show, from the vaguely ethnic "cracked earth" prints to the souvenir necklaces to the incense that perfumed the air with a faint woody scent. If New York's girl tribes were the starting point for her spirited DKNY show earlier this week, she had global ones on her mind for her signature collection. In the end, though, she didn't convey the same authority abroad as she did at home. She started with promising wrap dresses, their plunging necklines a sexy counterpoint to the draped easiness of their silhouettes. It quickly became clear that comfort and ease would be Karan's operating principles. A caravan of smocks and caftans fell away from the body in billows of washed silk and chamois. Some had a youthful lightness—you'll see a certain sort of downtown girl wearing floaty tops like these with baggy shorts all next summer. But others, in floor-length black, had an almost witchy vibe. In a season when "pretty" has become a buzzword, these clothes felt out of sync, and after the chic structure and sharp tailoring of her fall collection, it was a shame to see her go all shapeless. Karan knows the true path, of course, but this season she took a wrong step or two.

1999年発売の「バルダーズゲート1」ムービー第11弾、アイアンスロウンです。 大都市バルダーズゲートに本拠を構える組織ですが、胡散臭い連中の巣窟です。 第5章ラスト、主人公が彼らとの決着をつけるべく、仲間とともに乗り込む場所です。

弱虫は幸福をさえおそれるのです。 「人間はなぜ生きなければいけないの?」世間を恐れ、道化を装い、周囲を欺き、ありのままの自分を隠してきた少年・葉蔵。やがて葉蔵は拒否することのできない青年へと成長していく。愛を求めながらも他者への恐怖に苦悩する孤独な生涯とは?波乱の人生を歩んだ文豪・太宰治が、死の直前に書き上げた傑作自伝的小説。

11月1日公開の映画「レッドクリフ」、カンヌで初公開された映像です。大迫力!! ジョン・ウー トニー・レオン金城武チャン・フォンイー チャン・チェン ヴィッキー・チャオ フー・ジュン 中村獅童 リン・チーリン吳宇森 梁朝偉 張震胡軍 林志玲 趙薇 曹操 劉備 孫權 魯肅 孔明 三國時代 西元208年 董卓 袁紹 吴宇森 John Woo 梁朝伟 Tony Leung 张震 张丰毅 尤勇 王庆祥 侯勇 胡军 周瑜 诸葛亮 孙权 刘备 小乔 孙尚香 孔融 鲁肃 赵云 Takeshi Kaneshiro Vicki Zhao Shido Nakamura 加藤小雪 Koyuki 赤壁之战 The Battle of Red Cliff Romance of the 3 Kingdoms Romance of the 3 Kingdom Lin Chi-Ling Zhang Fengyi Chang Chen Sun Quan Cao Cao Zhuge Liang