(怒首領蜂大往生) Dodonpachi DAI-OU-JOU Hibachi
Game available to buy from: www.play-asia.com Unknown player clearing Hibachi on the second loop of dodonpachi daioujou (怒首領蜂大往生). Dai Ou Jou has 5 levels, and a second loop is available if the player manages to complete the first loop and satisfy certain criteria. The requirements are any one of: * Less than 2 deaths * Less than 3 bombs used * Collecting all 10 bees in at least 3 stages. The bees in each level must be collected without dying. If the player then succeeds in completing the second loop, they face the true final boss of the game, Hibachi, as demonstrated in this video.

佐々木倫子J-WAVE;14:51 2011/06/30(木)
佐々木倫子さん、J-WAVE;14:51 「RENDEZ-VOUS」内Traffic Information (レイチェル・チャンさんVer)

1分だけ!株の学校123 横浜会場 高橋陽子先生の世間話
株の学校123 横浜会場平日コース講師:高橋陽子の世間話。セミナー参加者の方と株について世間話をしています。アットホームな雰囲気がいいですね。

ソウルキャリバー4 キャラクリ対戦 No.48
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