100円で正義の味方になってみようと実況プレイ Part8 1/2
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Elis Regina & Tom Jobim- Waters of March - English subtitles
English words for Waters of Marh of Tom Jobim. A little surreal and nice, very nice song.
竹ノ塚someLie woman◆佐藤正明◆
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▼watmayhem桃天紅toh-ten-koh.laff.jp 作:中島らも 脚色:中島さなえ演出・主演:山内圭哉 水虫から癌まで治らない病気はないという伝説の秘薬「桃天紅」をめぐり、流浪の賞金稼ぎ・呪いをかけられた金満家・ごっつ悪い山賊・めっさ気持ち悪い新興宗教などが入り乱れての大争奪戦が今始まった! 1994年に笑殺軍団リリパット・アーミーが初演した中島らも渾身の迷作(当時躁病絶頂期!)を、浪速の星・山内圭哉が「パンク侍、斬られて候」に続きまた懲りずに演出! 主演!そして今度は音楽も!脚色は、先日作家デビューを果たした中島らもの実子・中島さなえ!中島らもが書き下ろした山内圭哉初主演舞台が、17年の時を経て今ここに蘇る!! 【出演】 山内圭哉/兼崎健太郎、黒川芽以/ 中山祐一朗、コング桑田、松村武、川下大洋、 福田転球、平田敦子、JUN/ 椿鬼奴、シューレスジョー、おかっぺ/ 松尾貴史
[HD/HQ] Simple Plan - Take My Hand
Hey! While I was watching Youtube Videos I found the song 'Take My Hand' by Simple Plan. It was so awesome that I was searching for the official video but I couldn't found it anywhere. Sorry :(. Here are the lyrics: Hey, hey Hey, hey Sometimes I feel like everybody's got a problem Sometimes I feel like nobody wants to solve them I know that people say we're never gonna make it But I know we're gonna get through this Close your eyes and please don't let me go Don't, don't, don't, don't let me go now Close your eyes, don't let me let you go Don't, don't, don't ... Take my hand tonight Let's not think about tomorrow Take my hand tonight We can find some place to go Cause our hearts are locked forever And our love will never die Take my hand tonight one last time Hey, hey Hey, hey The city sleeps and we're lost in the moment Another kiss as we're lying on the pavement If they could see us they would tell us that we're crazy But I know they just don't understand Close your eyes and please don't let me go Don't, don't, don't, don't let me go now Close your eyes, don't let me let you go Don't, don't, don't ... Take my hand tonight Let's not think about tomorrow Take my hand tonight We can find some place to go Cause our hearts are locked forever And our love will never die Take my hand tonight one last time Hey, hey Hey, hey If rain drops, the tears keep falling I see your face and it keeps me going (Hey, hey) If I get lost in your light's gonna guide me And I know that you can ...