Xevious arcade gameplay

Xevious arcade gameplay

Xevious (ゼビウス, Zebiusu) is a vertical scrolling shooter arcade game by Namco, released in 1982. It was designed by Masanobu Endoh. In the US, the game was manufactured and distributed by Atari. Xevious runs on Namco Galaga hardware. The player uses an 8-way joystick to pilot a combat aircraft called a Solvalou, which is armed with a forward-firing "zapper" for aerial targets and a "blaster" which fires an unlimited supply of air-to-surface bombs for ground targets. The game was noted for the varied terrain below, which included forests, airstrips, bases, and mysterious Nazca Line-like drawings on the ground.[1] There are various aerial enemy aircraft which shoot relatively slow bullets, as well as (presumably unpiloted) fast-moving projectiles and exploding black spheres. Ground enemies are a combination of stationary bases and moving vehicles, most of which also fire slow bullets. Giant floating motherships appear in certain areas; these are killed by knocking out their cores. These are considered one of the first level-bosses to be incorporated into a video game. The game has 16 levels but these merge into one another seamlessly. The Solvalou continually advances over varying terrain and the boundaries between levels are marked only by dense forests being overflown. If the player dies, play normally resumes from the start of the level. If the player has completed at least 70% of the level before dying, play will begin at the start of the next level instead. As the ...


同じ頃、記憶が定かではないけどガンプの謎のCMだったかな… 3D空間を機体が飛び回る映像があって「ゼビウスが3Dになったらこんな感じなのかな~」と目を輝かせていたリア厨の俺と、数年後登場するソルバルウを初プレイした時のコレジャナイ感を同時に思い出した




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