CoCo壱番屋で「カレーのトッピング全部のせ」に挑戦してみた1 CoCo壱番屋で新商品の「ライスカレー」と「味噌仕立てこくうまあさりカレー」を食べたGIGAZINE編集部員たち。まだちょっとお腹に余裕があったので、ココイチで誰もが一度はやりたいと思ってもなかなか実行には踏み切れない「カレーのトッピング全部のせ」をやってみました。頼んでからモノが到着するまでのワクワク感はたまりませんでしたが、いざ実物を目にすると冷や汗が...。
THE PREDATORS / Crazy Babar(ライブ映像) THE PREDATORS、8月1日リリース、2年ぶり待望のニューアルバム 「Monster in my head」に収録される「Crazy Babar」の初披露時のライブ映像を公開!
Merry Christmas, Darling - The Carpenters
Karen's sweet voice singing the sweetest Christmas song. Richard Carpenter composed the music for this song in 1966 when he was 19 years old. Frank Pooler wrote the lyrics twenty years earlier, in 1946, when he also was only 19 years old. The song Pooler had written was to be a Christmas gift for his girlriend, whom he was missing while being away from her during a visit with his parents at Christmas time. Sadly, their relationship ended before he could present it to her. Twenty years later, Pooler was the choir director at California State University in Long Beach, when both Karen and Richard Carpenter were members of the choir. Richard and Karen were performing locally and had tired of playing the usual Christmas fare. Richard asked Pooler, their favorite professor, if he had any ideas for different songs. Pooler remembered the Christmas song he had written many years before and mentioned it to Richard, adding that he didn't think much of the melody anymore. Richard said he would try his hand at writing new music for the lyrics. Within about 15 minutes he was finished creating a song, written by two teenagers who were a generation apart, that was destined to become a Christmas classic. The song was first released as a single (yes, a 45) on November 20,1970, and earned gold record status. This song sparked the idea of a Christmas album by The Carpenters, and on October 13, 1978, "Christmas Portrait" was released with this newly recorded version of the song. Karen re ...
虫姫さま XBOX360版 ケイブ祭りVer1.5 MAXウルトラ真アキ参考
XBOX360版のケイブ祭りVer1.5 MAXウルトラのアキ&アッカの撃破参考パターンです。 おまけでM→W, W→Wショットでの発狂成功例もつけてあります。 発狂に残5ボム3と運があれば一応倒せるように出来てたみたい...
2011/9/23 ヨネックスOPソフトテニス 決勝 村上・長江 VS 堀・原
2011/9/23 第33回 ヨネックスオープンソフトテニス広島大会 決勝 29 村上・長江(NTT西日本広島) VS 69 堀・原(NTT西日本広島) 長江選手は、敵にまわすと厄介な選手ですね。。。