【前面展望】 総武線(快速) 東京⇒千葉
総武線の快速の前面展望を東京から千葉まで撮影しました。高画質でご覧ください。(ご覧になる際には480Pにしてご覧ください) 撮影日 2010年6月15日(火) 撮影地 東京都千代田区、中央区、江東区、葛飾区 千葉県市川市、船橋市、習志野市、千葉市 新日本橋 2:07 馬喰町 4:00 錦糸町 7:55 新小岩 12:52 市川 20:25 船橋 26:22 津田沼 30:03 稲毛 37:49
Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX5 Review
For the full Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX5 review, go to www.infosyncworld.com We had to wait two years for Panasonic to revamp the LX3, so when we initially locked eyes with the Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX5, a tidal wave of question marks bombarded our minds. How is this a different camera? Why has hardly anything changed on the outside? However, upon further investigation, it was apparent that nearly all of the LX5's improvements resided under the hood, including AVCHD Lite with full manual video controls, gaggles of Art filters for creative expression, new image processing, and other enticing features. The Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX5 battles the Canon PowerShot G12 and Nikon Coolpix P7000, and we'll tell you that the little LX5 gives both of the aforementioned giants a run for their money.