Adults With ADHD: What Do We Know? What Do They Need?

Adults With ADHD: What Do We Know? What Do They Need?

This is a panel discussion following the documentary "A Mind Like Mine". The guests include the filmmaker, Karen O'Donnell, Dr. Timothy Bilkey, a psychiatrist who specializes in ADHD, and two young adults who have been coping with ADHD since childhood. One is Karen's son, Kail O'Donnell, and the other is Daniel Desjardins. Both still have ADHD and are coping in different ways with very different outcomes. What accounts for this? Why do we hear so little about adults with ADHD? What is in place to help them in school and in the workplace? How do we help them succeed? For more from
RT @DequanThomas12: Lol why is @Treex_ so annoying with her emojis

RT @JdJohnson14: Somebody whip Russel Westbrook ADHD ass

RT @marianeezy: Ferrero Rocher > Lindor... All dayyy

RT @AristotlesNZ: First rule of ADHD club: Never talk about..Nice hat. You ever own a hamster? I did. Died. Watch me do a cartwheel! Ok, ...

@cybik She's 25, Gothy and has ADHD. She might be right for you.

RT @Treex_: @DequanThomas12 why you so annoying with your face ..

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