Pop N Twinbee - Stage 1 (SNES) [High Definition]
I have not done a game playthrough for quite a while, but felt up to it now that youtube has better quality options, such as HQ and HD. This is pop n twinbee, a fun little shooter for the snes I have. I loved this game as a kid, bright, colourful, fun and holds lots of memories of going 2 player mode with friends. Here it is, in HD format. There are a few issues with the sound that I am not happy about, which I hope to overcome for the later stages. Enjoy and ratings, comments are more than welcome. Gary
「図書館戦争」プロモーションビデオ CAST FROM CARAMELBOX
本を守りたい、あの人みたいに。 検閲社会の中、本と表現、そして恋を守る者たちがいた――。 すべての本好きに贈る、極上エンタテインメント!! 大人気演劇集団キャラメルボックスと有川浩が贈る、 「図書館戦争」プロモーションビデオ!!
NAiBi FESTIVAL Vol.31 ①2012-01-29
2012年1月29日よみうり文化ホールにてMAiBi FESTIVAL Vol.31にて行われたESSE ACADEMY 15th ANNIVERSARY CONCERT