Hussein Chalayan Spring Summer 2007 Collection
Hussein Chalayan Spring Summer 2007 Collection

Paris, 4 October 2006 -- Hussein Chalayan continues to view the world as a research laboratory but with an added hint of the supernatural. The dresses, fluid and light, sometimes responding to the geometric criteria and at other times presenting Swarovski crystals, are evidence of impeccably mastered and detailed work. And to bring the catwalk to a close, the designer proposes a 'Return to the Future' with dresses that transform themselves, as if by magic, amid the amused and stunned spectators.
@textilefutures Hussein Chalayan at my graduation. Does it get any better??
RT @vogueturkiye: Sanata yakın durduğu kendi imza markası Hussein Chalayan'ın şovunu ise Paris'te tutmayı planlayan tasarımcı bir de parfüm üzerine çalışıyor.
Sanata yakın durduğu kendi imza markası Hussein Chalayan'ın şovunu ise Paris'te tutmayı planlayan tasarımcı bir de parfüm üzerine çalışıyor.
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on the couch