Brave Saga - Hyper Baan Gaan (Final Battle)

Brave Saga - Hyper Baan Gaan (Final Battle)

A scene when Baan Gaan loses in the final battle, just recently discovered by me. Baan Gaan will suddenly turn golden after his friends encouraged him, giving him improved stats to take down the final boss (hes still weaker then fire dagwon =_=). The boss on the other hand becomes a weak wuss that deals incredibly low damage, making this battle almost a sure-win. This also means the final battle cannot lose at all, but it also mean you won't get any exp from the boss, since every exp is 1 instead. I'm also not sure if the boss is suppose to be this weak, since I discovered this when my Baan Gaan was level 77. Other than becoming golden, Hyper Baan Gaan retains its same set of skills. The only difference would be an extra animation during critical attack scene. I guess this should how Baan Gaan should defeat Serushi since its seems more epic than just defeating him with many yuushas around.
@ialis_psu あら! 海音寺さんもブレイブサーガ・プレイヤーでしたか! しかも初期からとは凄いです。私は60時間進めたデータ消えちゃって、それ以来やってないのですが…。特別プレゼント、滅茶苦茶カッコ良さそうですね…w



@ialis_psu はい^^ PSPでリメイクって流行ってますしね。ブレイブサーガは名作ですし、埋もれさせたくないです><

@otsdarfa ツイート見直してたらブレイブサーガの話題がっ!! 初代の特別プレゼント当たったので思い出深いゲームだったりします。賞品は、ガオガイガーとバーンガーンの写真入りフォトスタンドでした。シリアルナンバー入り!

EI-01弱い(´・ω・`) #ブレイブサーガ2

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