How to Jailbreak the iPhone Using JailbreakMe - Tutorial
Like this video? Share on Twitter! - clicktotweet.com Jailbreak the iPhone with JailbreakMe.com! This video shows you how to use jailbreakme to jailbreak your iPhone running iOS 4.3.3. This jailbreak uses Comex's PDF exploit. If you have any questions or concerns, let me know in the comments section! Note: I'm using an iPhone 4 in the video. According to the Dev Team, so far, JailbreakMe Saffron is compatible with: iPad1: 4.3 through 4.3.3 iPad2: 4.3.3 iPhoneGS: 4.3 through 4.3.3 iPhone4: 4.3 through 4.3.3 iPhone4-CDMA: 4.2.6 through 4.2.8 iPod touch 3g: 4.3, 4.3.2, 4.3.3 iPod touch 4g: 4.3 through 4.3.3 For more info visit our blog: www.iPhoneDownloadBlog.com Follow iPhoneDownloadBlog on Twitter www.twitter.com Like iPhoneDownloadBlog on Facebook: www.facebook.com About iPhoneDownloadBlog: iPhoneDownloadBlog is an iPhone Blog that covers the latest iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch jailbreak apps, tweaks, themes, mods, firmware, breaking news, apple hardware, and more.

JSDF Marching Festival 2010 自衛隊音楽まつり 04/18
00:33 Shenandoah (American folk song) 02:21 Otemoyan (Japanese folk song) 02:58 Children Of Sanchez composed by Chuck Mangione Played by Western Army Band, Japan Ground Self Defense Force. On November 20, 2010 at Budōkan Arena, Tokyo. 00:33 アメリカ民謡「シェナンドー」 02:21 熊本民謡「おてもやん」 02:58 チャック・マンジョーネ「サンチェスの子供達」 演奏:陸上自衛隊 西部方面音楽隊 2010年11月20日 日本武道館

The Vines: Ms Jackson
UPDATE: Thank you kindly to everyone for your ratings, comments and support over the past year. It's been a pleasure being of servitude! BCSide (Do check out other videos on BCSide if you like this one!) A very rare studio version of the Vines' cover of Ms Jackson, originally by rap duo Outkast. Download: www.4shared.com Lyrics: I'm sorry Ms Jackson I am for real Never meant to make your daughter cry I apologize a trillion times Me and your daguther Got a special thing going on Hope that we feel this Feel this way forever You can pack a pretty picnic But you can't predict the weather

ミクシィミクシィマイミクシィ~♪ 以前に静止画に歌をのせただけのもののバージョンアップ版です^^ youtubeでは文字が読みづらいですが、ニコニコ動画の方にもう少し高画質のものをUPしています。