Halo 3 Social Slayer w/ Kootra, Gassy, and Danz Part 13

Halo 3 Social Slayer w/ Kootra, Gassy, and Danz Part 13

Click Here for the Halo Playlist!! www.youtube.com We all play some good ol' fashioned Halo 3 matchmaking. www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Slayer tutta la vita

#nowplaying Slayer "South of Heaven".

The only up side of insomnia- Buffy the Vampire Slayer reruns on Chiller #MrPointyWin

@ValkyrieStark Le he pasado como una bala y le he cantado cien gaviotas donde irán como si fuera el "Angel of death" de Slayer #todoxelmetal

Just sprinted 100 metres to catch a tram with Slayer blaring on my ipod. Just made it. Feel like such an epic winner right now.

Baby, I'll make a zombie slayer Out of you. @KimmiSmiles I LOVE this song!!

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