ラサ - 生命の泉

ラサ - 生命の泉

ラサ - 生命の泉 What is Rasa? What meaning does it hold in Indian art and culture? This film imagines Rasa as an intangible and a symbolic gesture, marked by an intangible and yet dynamic exchange between the audience, the performer and piece of art itself. Rasa is the essence of Indian performing and visual arts, derived from an aggregate of balance, order, rhythm, harmony and symmetry. It is said that when man touches rhythm and order, he has touched divinity itself. But many also believe Rasa to be a result of metamorphosis of objects that surround us in our everyday lives. The film explores the concept of Rasa in its entirety.
あら、サンタさんラサまでいっちゃった。。。許可証持ってるのかな? Google

今サンタさんハノイからラサに向かってる途中꒰´ ु-௰ू-॰`꒱⋆。˚✩zzz

@banabana78 そーしたいんだが、今日は夕方まで介護実習あってその後バイトっていうね(笑) 少しだけ……少しだけなら…… 寝ても良いよね 寝れるんだったラサ(笑)

@lucapanda あー、ラサの最後に入ってるやつだっけ?

@runappy33 寝ない子のところには来ないよ! ちなみにさっきGoogleで見たときはハノイを出てラサ?に向かうところでした

242. キャプテン·ムラサ (캡틴 무라사) ㅡ 4차 보스 무라사 미나미츠 테마곡 (from TH12. 東方星蓮船 ~ Undefined Fantastic Object) #TouhouBGM

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