The Trampoline Dog

The Trampoline Dog

This is Chago the worlds most loved BOXER! He enjoys the trampoline and loves to show off his ability "to get major air" and loves to entertain anyone watching! If nothing else I promise this video will make you say NO WAY or WHAT?!!!! It's just a healthy BOXER doing what Boxer's do....HAVE FUN!!!! We could all learn a little from him.......HAVE A LITTLE MORE FUN IN YOUR LIFE!!!!
RT @sstorte22: #ICantDateYou if you don't like trampolines

RT @Bill_of_Rights_: The actual sport dodgeball is in channel 8 right now and their playing on trampolines. No fucking joke #TurnItOn

2 Things about the Cirque du Soleil film: 1) I should have been a gymnast instead of a ballerina. 2) I want a room full of trampolines.

These dudes are in some random area surrounded by trampolines playing dodgeball....

“@Fake_Rob_Gregor: Not the movie dodgeball either. Real dodgeball. On trampolines.” This has to be on cable?? I'm salty!

RT @Hux619: Trampolines always make me feel better...

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