Ice Hockey fans riot in Vancouver as the Canucks lose Stanley Cup against Boston Bruins

Ice Hockey fans riot in Vancouver as the Canucks lose Stanley Cup against Boston Bruins

Riot police are called in to control the violent mob after the Vancouver Canucks lost the Stanley Cup final to the Boston Bruins 4-0.
@taku_riot まだリヴァイアサンとバハムートのダンジョンもあるさっ!

@white_riot_vita ほかてらーノシノシ

logic x? x balit sbb riot in kl? logic ka?

Heather pop and lock-lears - ah Community is a riot.

Im pretty sure Bersih wont turn out well. It will cause a havoc and a riot for sure. =S

@taku_riot キバが4本揃ってたらラスダンに行けるよ。途中から進めないだけで。新ジョブは取れるよ!

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