Janey Cutler - Britain's Got Talent 2010 - Auditions Week 4

Janey Cutler - Britain's Got Talent 2010 - Auditions Week 4

Britain's Got Talent: 80-year-old Janey Cutler has been told she has a wonderful singing voice, and her friends have been egging her on to enter the competition as she's got nothing to lose. Can we find yet another good singer on the Glasgow stage? See more at itv.com
I have been appointed chef du jour. It apparently takes an old ham to cook a gammon

I can not believe my boyfriend woke me up at this time to open his presents. Didn't realise he was about 5 years old. ❤******

RT @WagAssuming: I really miss the old you. :\

RT @thekidfrankie5: I wish I wasn't old and still felt all Christmassy and Ish.

Good intentions is overlooked by old habits and ego

Chill nigga. Relax. Lol RT"@Johnny_McFly: Fuck Jay Electronica! What that nigga do? Old rappin ass"

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がんばれゴエモン からくり道中

