Aikido Tomiki Kenji sensei 合気道富木謙治先生

Aikido Tomiki Kenji sensei 合気道富木謙治先生

This movie was demonstrated by Tomiki Kenji sensei and Ohba Hideo sensei who were two of the most important people of Aikido history, I believe. Especially, Tomiki sensei established Japan Aikido Association (people usually call it Shodokan Aikido or Tomiki Aikido) which has the students all over the world today. Unfortunately I don't know about this movie fully. Actually the original one I bought at somewhere was so terrible because it was mirror image. So I edited it correctly. By the way this movie said Tomiki sensei was 7th degree of Judo. As you know Kodokan gave him 8th degree in 1971. So this movie must have been made before that. And the words of Judo Taiso appeared at first. 'Judu Taiso' exactly means exercises of Judo. I guess this movie might have been made for Judo players. Anyway this movie is definitely valuable. Enjoy! NOTICE: This movie is silent. If you are interested in Shodokan Aikido, please check their website! And if you go to Japan, please visit their Dojo! homepage2.nifty.com (Osaka) aikido.shodokanmusashino.com (Tokyo) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Aikido is a modern Japanese Martial Art developed by Morihei Ueshiba O Sensei from ancient Jujutsu styles. Shodokan Aikido is a style founded by Kenji Tomiki Sensei, one of his earliest students. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Detail of the movie Uke: Ohba Hideo sensei Tori: Tomiki Kenji sensei No. 1 'Judo Taiso'(exercises of Judo ...

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RT @kuspec: 新刊『合気道と中国武術はなぜ強いのか?』 では塩田剛三先生と山田英司編集長の対戦の記述があります。その結果は如何に? 塩田剛三先生の決め台詞は「イッヒッヒ」

@szsz0567 合気道協会は競技形式でやるやつで、大学サークルを中心に流行ってる。心身統一の方が合気会に近いらしいよ

@eripoke22 合気道いいねー♡三宅ちゃんもGAP攻めせんねぇ(〃ω〃)笑 お兄ちゃんがモテると嬉しいよね♡わかるわかるっ☆彡三宅さんのこと銀先輩ってよぼうかな?笑

RT @kuspec: 新刊『合気道と中国武術はなぜ強いのか?』 では塩田剛三先生と山田英司編集長の対戦の記述があります。その結果は如何に? 塩田剛三先生の決め台詞は「イッヒッヒ」

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