L the proLogue to DEATH NOTE 螺旋の罠 NDS版 perfect escape guide KONAMI公式攻略本 (Vジャンプブックス)
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1000万回のキス(初回限定盤)(SPECIAL PHOTO BOOK付)
I'm really intrigued by Mai-K's sophisticated way of expressing her lyrics. The single is so well-organized I found no contradiction in the lyrics. Basically 1000万回のキス sounds sad and melting; at first, she shows the complicated feelings on confessing her love to somebody she loves. I suppose she may indicate she struggles to find how because she may assume he would feel the same. However, in the main and final parts, she decides to say good-bye to her shyness in order to show him loud and clear she loves him very much and she feels she would regret for the rest of her life. In short, I would say she tried to say she will try to express her love worth kissing him 10 million times. That can mean she really hopes to indicate her real love so earnestly. So it may be so touching for those who are clumsy about love. Perhaps they will be more confident if they listen to 1000万回のキス.
The coupling song really cheers me up and it's a real catchy pop-tune. Let me get to the point; that tune sure fires up even depressed people because of that catchy melody for some reason. Particularly, it helps me forget everything that frustrates me in my daily life. The lyrics of the coupling tune is a real positive love song, but Mai-K has the power to cheer up her fans in this song especially at her lives. I feel as if she was saying to me, "Don't say good-bye to happy memories". I'm going to enjoy her live at Tokyo International Forum, so I would like her to sing さよならはまだ言わないで as well as 1000万回のキス in there without fail! Mai-K's cheerful songs really turns me on and this one is no exception like Anywhere, that's why. Way to go, Mai-K!!!