Don't Stand So Close To Me - The Police

Don't Stand So Close To Me - The Police

Don't Stand So Close To Me - The Police
Whatevwe fuck the POlice, im home. On the plus side, i made out with two lesbians and two straight girls

I am too old to be stuck in a hotel cause the police is outside .. I am too ready to leave

@DOMO1R Lmao She Told The Police My Name Already ! idgaf Man She Told Them Jazzmmines NameAnd She Wasnt Even There. Shes Being a Lil Bitch

its in a good neighborhood, firemans station across the street, police station down the block, ask for alex, the only puerto rican in town

Mass MASSACRE of Students, due to Rioting... As bodies were conveyed outta the Campus by the Police...

I missed the drama in Dover last night of police cars and a helicopter. I slept through it.

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The Police 掲示板


